Friday, 27 September 2013

250+ likes on facebook

Ive finally breached the 250 likes mark over on my facebook so in celebration heres a doodle that turned into some sort of …thing. Head on over to check out whats occurring over there :)

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

more landscape studies

Sorry for the lack of posts recently, ive been crazy busy and haven't had time for much drawing. Ive been pretty stressed over the last couple of days with final film ideas that i needed some time out to just chill and take my mind off things. So heres another couple of landscape studies, all again using photo reference. The top 2 were like 45 minutes each and the bottom just under 2 hours.

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Getting my lip sync on

I've finally breached the 250 likes mark on my page!! If you haven't liked it already why not stop by and have a look for yourself by clicking HERE!

At the minute I'm taking a little time off to work on some things ready for my final year at uni. Here's a picture of a lip sync I'm currently working on for this months 11 second club. Im now coming to the final stages so it should be finished for the deadline, I'll be uploading the final animation online after its entered so stay tuned to see that.

Also I've been working on ideas for my final film, I think I've finally settled on one so keep an eye out for related posts, but I won't be giving the story away to much, unfortunately you'll have to wait for the film to be finished, can't go spoiling it now!

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Character designing again

First off Im hopefully going to give this month’s 11second club a go, for those who dont know what it is its a small competition that supplies 11 seconds of audio from a film to animate in 1 month. at the end of the month everyone uploads there lip sync and people vote who’s is best. go check out the site at
After about 4 months of no character designing (yes it was painful, but i was making an animated short film), ive jumped straight back in and am looking forward to getting back to it! But yeh this is one of the character designs ive created for my lip sync. i fancied doing a little character sheet to understand him a little more and figure out his head shape. not sure about a couple of the expressions but its a start.

Preparation for CalArts: Still life and environment life drawing

So im trying to work on my still life and environment life drawing skills, i planned to do at least 20 still life/environment life drawings by the time i went back to uni but it looks like i’ll have to settle with what ive done so far as just haven’t had time. But its better than nothing at all so i’ll just have to get cracking on some more as soon as i can.
1 hour 15min water colour study

top: 1 hour pen study, bottom: 1 hour 30 min pencil and brush pen study

biro doodles of objects around the garden

Monday, 2 September 2013

First short film: Tunnel Vision

well my first short film didnt make the Depict competition shortlist, so i decided i’d make it public online tonight. Now that some time has gone by since finishing, ive picked it apart and hate it already ha, but hey thats how us ‘artists’ make progress. But i defo cant wait to get going on my next short film! Hope you like it guys, please let me know what you think, enjoy :) 

Tunnel Vision from Reg Isaac on Vimeo.