Friday 5 July 2013

Preparation for CalArts: short life drawing class

Whilst working on my first short film, ive been attending a life drawing class once a week. Its been really fun and a great chance to relax from all the film related stress ive encountered. Unfortunately Wednesday was my last lesson for a while as i'll be moving out of my student house and back home for the summer.

Going life drawing once a week during this film has seriously been one of the best decisions ive mader in a long time. Its been a great way to relax and cool down ready to carry on animating. If anyone is thinking about making a short film, i seriously recommend going to a life drawing class once a week!

Anywho, heres a few of the pieces ive done from said classes. 

Attempt 1: 10 mins per individual pose with ink

Attempt 2: 10 mins per individual pose with ink

Experimenting with black chalk on white paper and erasing tone with a rubber

Experimenting with white chalk pencil on black paper

Experimenting with drawing tone with a 2B pencil

A failed experiment drawing with tone using charcoal on a foreshortened pose. the pose was a tricky one and i really struggle with drawing just with tone and no outlines, but i gave it my best and learnt a lot from it, the main thing being that the life model mentioned AFTER drawing her that she had fake boobs and they're dam near impossible to draw!

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