Friday 2 August 2013

Preparation for CalArts: Life drawing time trials

Still working on my life drawing skills, this time i thought i'd try to improve my quick gestures and use of colour.

First off i've noticed how long i've been spending on my life drawing up to late. I used to life draw quite quickly, making sure i got the entire gesture in within the first minutes, but ever since id been doing fairly detailed studies, i draw much slower. So i figured a series of 30 second to 5 min experiments would be fun.

Secondly, ive always known that my use of colour is beyond terrible! ive always been shy to use colour and have never just gone crazy with how i use colour. To introduce myself to colour i thought i'd do a load of life drawing using just coloured felt pens, and maybe if i felt up to it, throw some chalk in there.

It was really fun to do and i'll hopefully do a lot more.

 30 second gestural sketches using 6B graphite stick.

30 second gestural sketches using 6B graphite stick. 

30 second gestural sketches using 6B graphite stick.
1 min gestural sketches using felt pen.

1 min gestural sketches using felt pen.

30 second gestural sketches using felt pen.

30 second gestural sketches using felt pen.

5 min gestural sketches using felt pens.
5 min gestural sketches using chalk and charcoal.

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